Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Making a commitment./Finding your passion

It has been 5 weeks since my last blog, not cool. From here on out, I am committing myself to my writing. I absolutely need to start blogging my workouts, instead of keeping them locked away in a training log. It really helps me stay on track...and looking at my older posts I have certainly come a LONG way.

Since the end of May, I've taken my diet and fitness regime more serious. Tip to those reading: never get comfortable with anything in life. As soon as you get comfortable, you lose the hunger, the motivation and that's where we start to slack. I've also officially changed my college major...which I shall get into later. for the key changes.


I have cut them out almost entirely. Sure, I indulge in the occasional sandwich or pasta dish now and then but other than that I don't miss processed carbohydrates. I've replaced these calories with fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. I know eat roughly 6-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. My energy level has been incredible and my workouts are a million times more productive. I'm not fortunate enough to eat grass fed everything, but I do what I can when I can.


The last few months I've really been trying my best to educate myself on fitness. One thing that I am starting to learn your training has to be SPECIFIC to your goals. My goals as of right now is getting more athletic, lean and powerful.

Thanks to my girls Linds, I was fortunate enough to use one of her routines which has changed my body in ways I couldn't imagine. It's really taught me a lot about how the human body is connected and how different parts of the body work with other parts of the body.

So a lot my focus lately has been on compound lifts and a few isolation moves. Whereas before, I was isolating almost everything. The two big ones I'm working on right now are squats and dead lifts.

The squatting is coming along GREAT. I'm squatting 125 now which is pretty amazing considering I couldn't squat my own weight before. The dead lifts, not so much. For some reason they have been such a huge thorn in my side. I know it's a mental thing and underestimating my strength. So, on Friday I'm going to attempt my first max out. Hopefully, with a video for a form check. I'm a little nervous, so I'm taking tomorrow off from working out to conserve some energy. DL's are freakin' tough for me.

I've also taken the conditioning part of this a lot more serious. I've been doing a lot of interval training and tabata jump roping. My endurance has definitely improved.

The conditioning plus strength training has really done incredible things for my body. I'm leaning out quite nicely, and plus I feel strong and healthy (which is what counts the most).

I'm happy to say that this is becoming less about weight and more about body sculpting. It may sound vain, but I don't train to look good. I train because I like setting goals and achieving them. If I happen to look good naked along the way, SWEET!

Finding Your Passion
Through this journey I've learned quite a bit about myself and where I want to be with my life. Some how, some way I am going to break into the fitness industry. That is where my heart and soul lies. I want this to be what I eat, sleep and breath.

I made the first step by changing my college major, I'm know majoring in community health. Health education has been a passion for me in particular, only because I can relate to what it's like to take genuine steps to get healthy but only to have everything ass backwards. It took me a year to be able to weed out the bad information from the good information. To me, that is ridiculous. Health education in this country needs to be taken more seriously. It's my mission to change this.

Eventually, I'd love to get certified in personal training. Maybe another year down the road. I need to get myself in better shape and continue this learning process (I still consider myself a n00b).

We shall see where this road takes me. :)

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