Monday, June 28, 2010

Feelin' demotivated.

I took up Paleo style eating at the end of May..and I've had some pretty good success. I dropped 4 pounds right off the bat, and my energy levels SKY ROCKETED.

However, one problem I've been facing the last few days is my compulsive eating. Yes, I'm a food addict...and this is something I know I will struggle with for the rest of my life. Just as I'm going good and steady with diet likes to creep up on me again. So I had some pizza here and there, a drink here and there...and maybe a cookie. After that...the guilt sets in.

Thankfully, I'm pretty good at not allowing myself to wallow in guilt. There is always a new day to start fresh.

In general though, I'm just feeling unmotivated. I want a new exercise routine. As much as I absolutely love to's not helping me get athletic. Strength is awesome and all...but wtf...

So, I'm thinking of taking a break from it for a little while and work on some plyometrics type shit.

I dunno. I need a boost.