Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today, I hit up the gym...hoping to get in some cardio and some heavy leg routines today.

However, as I'm mid workout with the stair energy out of no where: GONE.

Every now and then, I hit a wall with my work out routine. I can blow through my workouts for 5/6 days a week and then all of a sudden getting through 30 minutes of cardio is torture.

I'm beginning to think it's a protein problem. Proteins you see, are essentially the building blocks of life. Everything about us is protein, You name it, it's protein. I average about 50 grams per day.

I KNOW that this isn't enough. I have a tough time getting all my protein through food, so I'm beginning to look into protein shakes for snacks hoping it will help me recover quicker.

My calorie intake as of right now is 1,500 on my off days and 1,700. I try to eat every 3 hours. Either I'm under estimating my calories or I'm not getting the right kinds of food.

Fucking frustrating.



  1. Strength and energy is a day to day thing, and it could be, lack of food, being tired, the weather.. anything... Maybe eat more complex carbs??

  2. I dunno, now that my semester is coming to an end..I can sit down and figure out where my diet needs to be tweaked. I also need to rework my routine..I maybe doing too much weights and cardio on the same day, which can be awfully taxing.

    It's just overwhelming. I'm still so new at this!

  3. youll find your groove... and then.. PLATEAU

    angry fist!

  4. Maybe I've hit one? I've been losing weight really fast, average of 10 pounds a month. I think my body is just like "YES! Get this crap off me!"
