Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A few things I would like to note...

  • I am growing increasingly frustrated with how little I am losing the past few weeks. I have only lost 1 1/5 pounds this week. Yes, you are probably reading this thinking "Wtf, that is perfectly fine!" And it is, but when I started this a few months ago I was averaging a 10 pound loss each month. Now, it's likely to be 4-6 pounds. I know that if I crunch my numbers I am probably losing at the same % rate. I feel the plateau approaching. Though, a Livestrong member told me to not think of it as a bad thing. They said it's a good sign that my body is well on it's way to becoming fit. So, I keep trying to remind myself this everyday. It's just I'm a weighaholic. And I am beginning to understand why most experts do not recommend using the scale. I think today I'm gonna go to a craft store or something and purchase some tape measure...I need some new strategies. I absolutely cannot and WILL NOT let a stupid inanimate object ruin my day. Dumb.
  • I booked an appointment with the personal trainer at Planet Fitness. A whopping $40. I am hoping this will be worth it. I have lots of questions for her. But, she seems like a cool chick. She looked rather thrilled to book me, given that I already know a decent amount about fitness and nutrition (still learning!). I know most of her clientel are mostly fitness newbies, so I'm sure it will be fun for her. Just hope that she challenges me, and teaches me the basics of the weight room. I've done a fair share of research on the internet, but for's one thing to follow along to a YouTube video at home and another to step in the room at your gym with a shit ton of equipment standing next to dudes with biceps bigger than your face! Either way, I'm excited to learn something new. And it's a pretty big step for me in terms of my confidence level. I could honestly care less anymore about how hard I sweat, or the funny faces I make when I lift. I'm there to work out and better myself...not to look cute (hopefully this kind of attitude I can eventually carry with me when I go out to a bar...well...sort of! lol)
  • Yesterday, I sorta gorged a little bit. I did fine from the morning time until about 4pm. Even though I had breakfast, a snack, a lunch and another snack...I still had hunger pangs. My body COULD just be adapting to my increased calorie consumption, but I don't know. Doesn't matter though, I gave in anyway. I had pork loin, corn and some delicious Rice of Roni pasta at a whopping 350 calories a cup. YIKES. I probably ate like 8oz of pork and two cups of this rice...and then topped it off with a piece of pumpkin pie. I'm not really sure why either, no emotional triggers. I wasn't bored. The fact of the matter is...I just wanted to stuff my fucking face...and I did. First time in MONTHS that I had gone for a second serving. I laid in bed last night feeling sort of guilty about it, but I decided that it was stupid to feel guilty over one night of eating like a mad woman. The guilt emotion is far to energing consuming, so I stopped and fell asleep soundly.

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