Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drum roll please!

I finally lost a pound...after almost 3 fucking weeks!


But...with that said..I took a good long hard look in the mirror yesterday. I've noticed significant muscle changes in my back, biceps, and calves. While I'm not necessarily losing weight, I just think I'm gaining more muscle mass. I'm still fitting in smaller clothing every time I shop...so..obviously something is happening. And, the last 3 weeks I have been aiming to get at least 20g of protein in each meal.

With that said, looking at my posts the last week...I really need to quit being so damn hard on myself...and that's with everything in my life. I get so upset even if I get a B in school. I constantly trying to be the best at everything, which isn't a bad thing....but I need to learn to deal with failures and bumps in the road.

Anyhow, off to the gym. :)


  1. You could also be retaining water. ive gained 10 lbs of water over night from eating one salty meal

  2. you need to eat more protein than that if you want to maintain muscle mass while losing weight. i would suggest 30g per meal while making sure to get 3g of carbs per lb of body weight every day now that you are lifting. this way, you can get the most out of your gym sessions, give your muscles the fuel they need, and still get the fat burning effects of protein.

    quit being so hard on yourself, life is too short!
