Wednesday, January 6, 2010

40 pound mark...and more!

So, I have hit the 40 pound mark. Equivalent to losing a small child off my body. I have a tough time seeing it on somedays, after all...I'm used to seeing my body everyday. So, I have to look at old pictures to give myself a reminder as to how far I've come.

Though, I'm a little frustrated because now that I weigh less...I'm losing the weight slower. I was averaging about 10 pounds a month aka two pounds a week if you do the math. Now, I'm lucky to lose 1 pound a week. I really need to take a look at my routine and figure out where to tweak it. So goes as follows

Sunday: Cardio day, usually an hour to an hour and 15 minutes.
Monday: 10 minute warm up, back and abs, 30 minutes of cardio
Tuesday: 10 minute warm up, chest, shoulders and arms, 30 minutes of cardio
Wednesday: 10 minute warm up, legs, 30 minutes of cardio
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cardio day
Saturday: Whatever I didn't get to squeeze in.

Looking at this now, this seems so...routine. I hate it. I need to make some changes, but I'm afraid to ween off the cardio because my focus is still largely on burning fat, not building muscle.
I REALLY want to add yoga one day a week, but I've been having issues getting in contact with the place. I'd like to take a visit before I register for a class. Either way, I need something different.

I'm growing bored, tired, and gyming 6 days a week is extremely taxing on my body.

After running my first mile this week, I got a little over confident. So I decided to up the weights on my leg routines...AND practice lunges. Well, I pretty much blew out my entire ass and quadriceps muscles. I'm unbelievably sore, to the point where I can BARELY walk up and down stairs. I'm probably walking like I did the dirty deed the night before, haha.

But oh well, slight injury is bound to happen. You live and learn.

If anyone though, has any suggestions on what I can do to rework my craptastic, chore of a routine..I will gladly accept any feedback.

1 comment:

  1. First your weight loss will slow down as you get closer to your goal, there is a reason the saying "the last 5 lbs are the hardest" is popular.

    Second as to the boredom of the workouts, there is only so much you can do to make a gym workout exciting. Machines are machines, and when they are housed in a room, it's hard to keep stimulated. Can you work in an outside run once a week? How about a swim at a local indoor pool? Do you have a Nintendo wii? Wii fit can be a fun change of pace (NOT a huge calorie burner, but still something different). Remember, if you have to do something a little different, and sacrifice a few burned calories to keep yourself from losing interest, then do it.

