Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dust yourself off and try again.

Today, I trucked it out pretty early to hit up the gym. I managed to get in an hour, about a half hour of leg work and a half hour of cardio.

Though, the cardio was painstaking to get through. My body has been feeling extra shitty lately as well. Probably because I went 6 months of eating relively eating a lot more prosessed foods than I normally would eat.

Let me tell you, it's impacting my moods, my workouts and my recovery time in a variety of negative ways.

As for my moods, I feel slow...sluggish, unmotivated and blah. During my workouts (especially cardio) my energy just depletes after 20 minutes. It's now taking 3+ days to recover from weight lifting.

I know the way I have been feeling is a multi-variable thing, but I know diet is playing a big role.

So, after I got out...I went to Dave's Marketplace and stocked up on a bunch of really good produce (their produce is exceptional, so fresh!) I'm going to not focus in so much on the numbers of what I eat...other than calorie, protein and fiber count. For now, make it a goal to eat clean. Once I get used to that...I can then focus on my macronutrient split.

Besides, I'm not focused on reworking my body composition. My goal is still fat loss...I realize that I have to take one step at a time. I cannot take on everything at once, contrary what some advice givers have told me.

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