Thursday, May 27, 2010

Feeling torn.

I just have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. Well, I kinda do.

Currently, I'm going to school for social work. I'm finishing up my 2 year general studies right now at CCRI and all set to transfer to Rhode Island College in the fall.

After speaking with several professionals and hearing some clinical cases, I'm beginning to feel like it's not for me anymore. While I absolutely love people and their minds, I'm more interested in how things function together. I'm all about the mind, body, spirit and social environment connection.

Fitness and health is my life, and I some how want to combine the two. So, I'm beginning to think personal training maybe a good option for me. I can apply the things I've learned through social work at this practice. Motivating and goal setting principles are exactly the same, regardless if it's the fitness industry or social work.

I need to speak with a career counselor or something before I make any decisions. The money and time factor seems to be holding me back. I do not want to rack up an insane amount of debt for something I'm not into, nor do I want to regret any decisions.

Over the last few months, I've just been bombarded with nothing but love, admiration and a shit ton of questions about what I do. I'd much rather spend myself helping people be the best they can be rather and it seems to me that personal training and counseling are one in the same.

So for right now, I'm going with what I have planned while keeping my options open and working on getting myself into much better shape. Hopefully my school can help me with gathering up information.

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